Kimberly Forbes-Dyczkowski

Kimberly Forbes-Dyczkowski

Have you ever wondered why you or someone you interact with behaves a certain way? Well behavior, such as anger, often hides unconscious emotions of sadness, guilt, shame, or fear. In therapy, we can explore feelings and how they affect communication. We can figure out why some days are happy and others are not, why you might feel stuck in specific patterns, or why being in a group of people might make you anxious. Sometimes when a storm rolls in, it is hard to see through the thickness and heaviness of life. I understand these feelings deeply as someone who has navigated many life transitions. In partnership, we will combine our knowledge and skills to create solutions. I invite clients to bring their whole, authentic selves into therapy, and I take an integrative, humanistic approach to support mental wellness. In treatment, we can explore how your thoughts, identity, culture, relationships, genetics, and experiences influence your past and present and collaboratively create solutions to help you live a life aligned with your values and purpose. There is no topic off-limits, and I consider it a profound privilege to hold a safe space for my clients to share their experiences, work through challenges, and walk alongside them respectfully and in a non-judgmental environment.

“Know all the theories, master all the techniques,
but as you touch a human soul, be just another human soul.”

-Carl Jung

● Children/Adolescents
● Families
● Adults/Seniors
● Couples

I conduct sessions both in person and through teletherapy.

In person locations:
Commerce and Novi

Practices At These Locations:

Commerce, MI Office
Location Details

Sollars and Associates
Commerce, MI
(248) 360-9905

Novi, MI Office
Location Details

Sollars and Associates
27780 Novi Road #244
Novi‚ MI 48377
(248) 916-2855