Jalissa Long-Jolley

February 5, 2025
You have a unique set of strengths. You deserve to be seen, heard, and valued. You matter! Hello, my name is Jalissa. I specialize in helping individuals 18 years and...

Michael Zambiasi

July 13, 2023
As a master’s level psychologist, I have 25+ years of experience working with individuals and families, especially children and adolescents. I earned a Master’s Degree in Clinical-Behavioral Psychology from Eastern...

Christine King

May 24, 2023
I am Dr. Christine King (she/her). I earned my Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology at The Michigan School of Psychology. I have experience working with children, adolescents, and...

Katherine (Katie) Mann

May 2, 2022
Life sometimes throws curveballs and it can be difficult to adjust or cope with changes or loss. Many people find ways of healing and growing through the counseling process. While...

Grand Rapids HTML Sitemap

April 12, 2021
Grand Rapids HTML Sitemap Addiction Counseling Grand Rapids – Addiction Therapist ADHD Counseling & Therapists Grand Rapids – Sollars & Associates Child Behavior Therapy Grand Rapids – Kids Behavior Therapy...